Use "the intelligentsia|the intelligentsia" in a sentence

1. The intelligentsia was actively rallying support against the eviction.sentence dictionary

2. Your intelligentsia nose feels offended by the smell of shit, huh?

3. 5 The immediate effects of that philosophical rationalism were felt only by the intelligentsia.

4. The Rákosi government thoroughly politicised Hungary's educational system to supplant the educated classes with a "toiling intelligentsia".

5. Among the camp prisoners, the number and share of the intelligentsia was growing at the quickest pace.

6. Synonyms for Boffins include intelligentsia, literati, highbrows, intellectuals, eggheads, illuminati, academics, bluestockings, clerisy and cognoscenti

7. The tremendous wealth from gold mining in the 18th century created a city which attracted the intelligentsia of Europe.

8. The conference will see the participation of academicians, think tanks, representatives of industry, intelligentsia, civil society and senior officials.

9. It was this political class of intelligentsia that prepared for perestroika and became the main support base for Mikhail Gorbachev.

10. "Cognoscenti vs. Intelligentsia" (meaning "the experts versus the intellectual elite"), also known as "C vs

11. 21 The intelligentsia has an enhanced role in creating and transmitting the new national culture through a national educational system.

12. But he is angriest at and reserves his strongest denunciation for the intelligentsia, whom he accuses of sycophantic devotion to Yeltsin.

13. Given the general insularity of India's political class and fellow-travelling intelligentsia, here's at least one country whose experiences they're willing to learn from.

14. A number of years ago, while suffering from a mild case of " Scribe's Fever, " a form of neurasthenia common among the intelligentsia of that time,

15. From the Cambridge English Corpus Those who have no 'high culture', or potential 'high culture', are bereft of an intelligentsia, and lack the requisite quota of poets, balladeers, Bibliophiles, engineers …

16. A mass exile of Mozambique's political intelligentsia to neighbouring countries provided havens from which radical Mozambicans could plan actions and foment political unrest in their homeland.

17. The discussion will also see the participation of a large number of academicians, think tanks, representatives of industry, intelligentsia, journalists, civil society and senior officials from Uttar Pradesh and other parts of India.

18. The list identified more than 61,000 members of Polish elite: activists, intelligentsia, scholars, actors, former officers, Polish nobility, Catholic priests, university professors, teachers, doctors, lawyers and even a prominent sportsman who had represented Poland in the Berlin Olympics in 1936.

19. Apparatchiki and the intelligentsia, respectively the main opponents and advocates of reform." For Parkin, "Czechoslovakia was an exceptional case only to the extent to which the latent but ever-present tensions between these two groups erupted into open political conflict — a showdown precipitated by the inability of the existing

20. They were the inheritors of a dissident tradition that goes back as far as Pushkin and the Decembrists in Russia. Some explicitly saw themselves as representative of historic values, whether they were the exiled Solzhenitsyn or an Estonian intelligentsia which looked back admiringly to its forbears in the nineteenth century, Herderian cultural nationalists.

21. The cheesy production values, the low-budget special effects, and the amateurish level of some of the acting Alienated me at first.: The spiral turns inward, twisting the soul of society into an Alienated artificiality.: This has Alienated the intelligentsia, which is the government's natural ally in the battle against radicalism.: An Alienated and fearful public is the flip side of an

22. ‘Clearly I am a Bounder, possibly a drink-soaked one.’ ‘‘He is the biggest Bounder on the face of the earth,’ says the Mirror, which awards him five rodent symbols.’ ‘He was a cad and a Bounder, but not without charm.’ ‘But Bennett was, of course, despised by the intelligentsia because the Bounder made money from literature.’

23. Adolf Hitler on Russia and Bolshevism, an extract from his autobiography Mein Kampf, published in 1924: “Never forget that the rulers of present-day Russia are common blood-stained criminals; that they are the scum of humanity which, favoured by circumstances, overran a great state in a tragic hour, slaughtered out thousands of her leading intelligentsia in wild bloodlust, and now for almost

24. It was painful and humiliating fact that the intelligentsia of that generation to some extent even of this were borrowing their patterns of thought and behaviour , indeed even of their feelings and sensations , from the West , thereby justifying Tagore ' s charge that " educational institutions in our country are India ' s alms - bowl of knowledge ; they lower our national self - respect ; they encourage us to make a foolish display of decorations made of borrowed feathers . "

25. The higher the level of the character than the mob, the smaller the Aggro

26. The lawyers, the judges, the policemen, the doctors, the engineers, the civil servants -- those are the leaders.

27. The higher the resolution, the smoother the curves and the sharper the lines become.

28. The lower the number, the higher the priority.

29. The results revealed the stress concentration on the roots connected to the Barbules and the feather shaft: the greater the distance to the tip of the Barbules, the smaller the effect.

30. The Baddie Doctor The Baddie Doctor The Baddie Doctor The Baddie Doctor The Baddie Doctor The Baddie Doctor The Baddie Doctor The Baddie Doctor The Baddie Doctor The

31. The show, the pressure, the groupies, the autograph hounds, the crew.

32. The external carotid artery; The triangles of the neck; The internal carotid artery; The Arteries of the brain; The Arteries of the upper extremity The subclavian artery; The axilla

33. The Kiosk @ The Chippy The Kiosk @ The Chippy


35. The music, the fashions, the attitudes, the beefs...

36. The hot and the cold. The left and the right. The reverent and the irreverent!

37. The darker the color of the amulet paper, the greater the power of the spell.

38. The darker the blue, the higher the revenue.

39. The better the process, the less the friction.

40. And do not forget the Adoptionists, the Modalists, the Manicheans, the Montanists, the Marcionites, the Ebionites, the Nestorians and the Meletians, to …

41. The higher the Backspace the…

42. The larger the breaking waves, the longer the beach and the more oblique the wave approach, the stronger is the longshore current.

43. Some of the Algonkian tribes Townsend mentions throughout the book include the Powhatan, the Rappahannock, the Paspahegh, the Appomattock, the Weyanock, the Quioccohannock, and the Chiskiak

44. The CM controls the ASIC, the ADU, the CI and the PM.

45. The longer the time to read the reaction, the higher the Absorbances

46. 9 synonyms for Accused: the defendant, the defence, the offender, the respondent, the appellant, the litigant, the prisoner at the bar, defendant, respondent

47. The heavier the Carat weight, the larger the diamond

48. The better the day, the better the deed. 

49. The optimist sees the doughnut; the pessimist the hole!

50. The larger the magnitude of the elasticity of substitution, the more the exchange, and the lower the real interest rate.

51. He's the crack in the lens, the fly in the ointment, the virus in the data.

52. The faster the re‐expansion of the Blastocoele, the higher the developmental potential of the blastocysts

53. The asthenosphere is the middle layer and the Centrosphere is the region from the asthenosphere all the way to the center of the earth

54. The more powerful the root, the thicker the Caudex

55. + 4 These are the animals that you may eat:+ the bull, the sheep, the goat, 5 the deer, the gazelle, the roebuck, the wild goat, the antelope, the wild sheep, and the mountain sheep.

56. The occupations of the Canonesses consisted in the recitation of the Divine Office, the care of the church vestments, and the education of the young, particularly the daughters of the nobility.

57. But the ability of the arum is the most, and the ability order is the arum, the green cirrus, the tiger line orchis , the big green cirrus, the bamboo, the cinnamon.

58. The higher the Cetane number, the shorter the ignition delay and the better the ignition quality.

59. The farther from the top, the Coarser are the leaves and the poorer is the quality.

60. The "hypotenuse" is the base of the tetrahedron at the back of the figure, and the "legs" are the three sides emanating from the vertex in the foreground.

61. "The better the milk, the better the Cheese

62. The smaller the sample, the smaller the absolute error.

63. The atmosphere, the standard, the view of the canal.

64. The higher the number, the higher the danger level.

65. The more sophisticated the applet, the longer the delay.

66. Interestingly, the fresher the egg, the bigger the Chalaza

67. The higher the pitch, the greater is the Acuteness.

68. The longer the shift word, the stronger the cipher.

69. What about the co-functions, the secant, the Cosecant, and the cotangent? The Cosecant is the reciprocal of the sine

70. The aims of the Cogers were the promotion of the liberty of the subject and the freedom of the Press, the maintenance of loyalty to the laws, the rights and claims of humanity and the

71. Every Arkansan represents the working mom, the struggling grandparent, the local business owner, the pastor, the athlete, the caregiver, the teachers, the single parent

72. These are the pituitary, the thyroid, the parathyroids, the adrenals, the thymus, the pineal, the islands of Langerhans and the gonads or sex glands.

73. The more the leaves are fermented , the lower the polyphenol content and the higher the caffeine content .

74. The higher the ratio, the more Acquisitive the firm

75. The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.

76. The higher the level of the Brewery, the greater is the attack bonus

77. The greater the amount of the pigment, the darker the hair will be.

78. The Chinese lovingly named the numerator " the son " and the denominator " the mother ".

79. The promises of the Abrahamic Covenant – the land, the seed, the blessing – are

80. On the other hand, the more relaxed the cords, the lower the tones.